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Clean Pro Updates

It just keeps getting better.

Nothing excites me more than releasing a new and improved version of Clean Pro. It's an opportunity to create even cooler and more flexible modules that incorporate your valuable feedback and ideas. 

So keep em' coming!

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Released: June. 19-25, 2024

Here is what's updated in the latest version of Clean Pro

  • Versa Cards
    • The Hover Style now gets the filter option included.
    • Speaking of filters, now you can have up to 3 filter dropdowns for more flexibility.
  • Magic Module
    • Option to center align the form submit button when using the Form Content Element
  • Versa Cards
    • Social icon's color fixed
  • Count Up
    • Now you can use multiple modules on the same page
  • Global Footer
    • When including a blog post the formatting of the text is fixed


Released: Mar. 13, 2024

I've got some fun new updates in store for you which you won't want to miss out on. Here is a quick overview.

  • Versa Cards gets a whole new card style called "Hover cards".
  • Now with the new blog post template, you can use HubSpot's new Post Narration feature.
  • Global Header: Arrow color changes on the hover state plus the side menu will now close when using anchor links.
  • Video Gallery max width is now respected.


Released: Feb. 29, 2024

Very Important!  Watch this video before installing the update if you are currently on v78 or prior.

New Module:
  • Introducing the Flexi-Tabs Module
  • Magic Module - New custom form label color options.
  • Versa Cards: Add your own placeholder text for the search field
  • Global Header - Arrow dropdown and language switcher color
  • Global Footer - Social icon color
  • Meeting Calendar - Background color




Released: Feb. 6, 2024

Very Important!  Watch this video before installing the update.


I've given a complete makeover to all of our Clean Pro templates, making them more modern and sleek. So, if you're upgrading from a previous version, don't worry! You'll still have access to the original templates too.




Released: Nov. 28, 2023
  • Video Gallery
    • Option to add a drop shadow to the video card as well as other styling options
  • Blog Post Thumbnails - Listing
    • Ability to set all featured images to the same height
  • Related Blog Posts
    • Ability to set all featured images to the same height
  • Video Playlist
    • Now supports having multiple on each page.
  • Versa Cards
    • Auto-height feature fixed when card is a link
  • Accordion Menu
    • The sticky feature is now fixed
  • Global Header Side Menu
    • Fix for sub-menu background color

If you're jumping to v78 from a version before v62 be sure to have a look at this article.

I appreciate you!



Released: Nov. 9, 2023
  • New Video Playlist module
    • Now you can create a seamless playlist utilizing HubSpot videos
  • Versa Cards
    • Better pagination navigation when you have a lot of cards
  • Magic Module
    • New form option so you can select specific people to get notified when a form is submitted.
  • Accordion Menu
    • Sticky feature is now fixed

If you're jumping to v76 from a version before v62 be sure to have a look at this article.

I appreciate you!



Released: Oct. 16, 2023

Animated Gradients comes to the following modules:

  • Magic Module
  • Versa Cards
  • Content Slider
  • Count Up
  • Countdown Timer
  • Video Gallery
  • Related Blog Posts
  • Magic Module
    • Mobile stacking order
    • Form width sizer
  • Global Header
    • Mega menu background color for sub-nav items.

If you're jumping to v75 from a version before v62 be sure to have a look at this article.

I appreciate you!



Released: Oct. 5, 2023
Magic Module:
  • New Accordion Content Element
  • Versa Cards Module
    • Auto height display fix when flexi card is set to be a link
    • Search function when using a capital letter
  • Mega Menu
    • Hover fixed when you mouse over the dropdown arrow

If you're jumping to v74 from a version before v62 be sure to have a look at this article.

I appreciate you!



Released: Sept. 28, 2023
  • Versa Cards Module
    • Now you have a search option along with filters
  • Countdown Timer
    • Fixed display in Safari browser
  • Video Gallery
    • Fixed display for Vimeo and Wista embeds
  • Global Header
    • Fixed subtle page jump when scrolling down

If you're jumping to v73 from a version before v62 be sure to have a look at this article.

I appreciate you!